{ // general appearance "theme": "ayu-dark.sublime-theme", // set theme "color_scheme": "Packages/ayu/ayu-dark.sublime-color-scheme", // set colour scheme "ui_scale": 1.0, // scale entire user interface "ui_separator": true, // separators between panels/tabs "margin": 4, // spacing between the gutter and text "rulers": [[80, "dotted", 1], [120, "solid", 1]], // display vertical rulers "scroll_past_end": true, // allow scrolling past end of buffer "scroll_context_lines": 8, // set minimum number of context lines "draw_indent_guides": true, // display indentation guidelines // font "font_face": "Hack Nerd Font", // set font /*"font_size": 8,*/ // set font size "line_padding_top": 2, // add padding to top of lines "line_padding_bottom": 2, // add padding to bottom of lines // general "spell_check": true, // set spell check "draw_white_space": "all", // display whitespace characters "trim_automatic_white_space": true, // trim whitespace characters "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": "all", // trim white space characters on save "trim_only_modified_white_space": false, // trim white space characters only on modified lines "ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true, // add blank line at end of files // tabs "tab_size": 2, // set number of spaces for tabs "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, // set whether spaces are inserted for tabs "use_tab_stops": true, // use tabstops when inserting/deleting "detect_indentation": false, // use personal tab settings "auto_indent": true, // automatic indenting "smart_indent": true, // smarter automatic indenting // highlight "highlight_line": true, // highlight lines with caret "highlight_gutter": true, // highlight gutter lines with caret "hightlight_line_number": true, // highlight gutter numbers with caret // caret "block_caret": true, // use block caret (command mode) "caret_style": "solid", // style caret (insert mode) "caret_extra_top": 0, // additional height on caret "caret_extra_bottom": 0, // additional height on caret "caret_extra_width": 2, // additional width on care // ignored "ignored_packages": ["Vintage"], }