local addon, ns = ... local L = ns.L -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- # MODULES > AUTOMATION > SELL JUNK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local f = CreateFrame('Frame') f:RegisterEvent('MERCHANT_SHOW') f:SetScript('OnEvent', function() -- local bag, slot -- for bag = 0, 4 do -- for slot = 0, C_Container.GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do -- local item = C_Container.GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot) -- if item and (select(3, GetItemInfo(item)) == 0) then -- C_Container.UseContainerItem(bag, slot) -- end -- end -- end local totalPrice = 0 for bag = 0, 4 do for bagSlots = 1, C_Container.GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do CurrentItemLink = C_Container.GetContainerItemLink(bag, bagSlots) if CurrentItemLink then _, _, itemRarity, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, itemSellPrice = GetItemInfo(CurrentItemLink) itemInfo = C_Container.GetContainerItemInfo(bag, bagSlots) if itemRarity == 0 and itemSellPrice ~= 0 then totalPrice = totalPrice + (itemSellPrice * itemInfo.stackCount) C_Container.UseContainerItem(bag, bagSlots) PickupMerchantItem() end end end end if totalPrice ~= 0 then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('Klaz|cff1994ffScripts|r — |cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:'..L.AUTO_SELL_JUNK..':|r '..GetCoinTextureString(totalPrice), 255, 255, 255) end end)