local addon, ns = ... local L = ns.L -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- # MODULES > AUTOMATION > REPAIR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local autoRepair = true local autoRepairGuild = true local f = CreateFrame('Frame') f:RegisterEvent('MERCHANT_SHOW') f:SetScript('OnEvent', function() if CanMerchantRepair() then local cost = GetRepairAllCost() if cost > 0 then -- using guild funds if autoRepairGuild == true and GetGuildBankWithdrawMoney() >= cost then RepairAllItems(1) print('Klaz|cff1994ffScripts|r — |cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:'..L.AUTO_REPAIR_GUILD..':|r '..GetCoinTextureString(cost, 10)) -- print using currency icons PlaySound(SOUNDKIT.ITEM_REPAIR) -- using personal funds elseif autoRepair == true and GetMoney() > cost then RepairAllItems() print('Klaz|cff1994ffScripts|r — |cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:'..L.AUTO_REPAIR..':|r '..GetCoinTextureString(cost, 10)) -- print using currency icons PlaySound(SOUNDKIT.ITEM_REPAIR) -- no money else print('Klaz|cff1994ffScripts|r — |cnRED_FONT_COLOR:'..L.AUTO_REPAIR_BROKE..'.|r') end end end end)