local addon, ns = ... local L = {} ns.L = L -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- # CORE > LOCALIZATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ## ENGLISH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L['COMMAND_PATCH_NUMBER'] = 'Patch' L['COMMAND_CLEAR_CHAT'] = 'Cleared text in all chat frames' L['CONFIG_POPUP_RESET'] = 'Klaz|cff1994ffScripts|r\n|cnNORMAL_FONT_COLOR:Apply personalized settings?|r\n|cnRED_FONT_COLOR:Warning! Changes will occur to your UI!' L['AUTO_REPAIR'] = 'Repair cost' L['AUTO_REPAIR_GUILD'] = 'Repaired using guild funds' L['AUTO_REPAIR_BROKE'] = 'You do not have enough gold to auto repair' L['AUTO_SELL_JUNK'] = 'Sold junk items' L['MAP_CURSOR'] = 'Cursor' L['MAP_PLAYER'] = 'Player' L['MAP_BOUNDS'] = 'Out of bounds' local locale = GetLocale() if locale == 'en_GB' or locale == 'enUS' then return end -- ENGLISH -- ## OTHER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- if locale == 'esMX' then return end -- SPANISH (MEXICO) -- if locale == 'pt_BR' then return end -- PORTUGEUSE -- if locale == 'de_DE' then return end -- GERMAN -- if locale == 'es_ES' then return end -- SPANISH (SPAIN) -- if locale == 'fr_FR' then return end -- FRENCH -- if locale == 'it_IT' then return end -- ITALIAN -- if locale == 'ru_RU' then return end -- RUSSIAN -- if locale == 'ko_KR' then return end -- KOREAN -- if locale == 'zh_TW' then return end -- CHINESE (TRADITIONAL) -- if locale == 'zh_CN' then return end -- CHINESE (SIMPLIFIED)